Saturday, July 31, 2010

TOS Coursework



COURSE OBJECTIVES                                                                                                                                               
·         To understand the factors that effect occurrence, structure and components of the city

·         To understand the role and nature of various physical components of the city

·         To develop an understanding of the nature of contemporary debates, critical thoughts on urban issues


Factors affecting the occurrence and structure of cities
Economic, political, topographical, climate, historical, religion etc.

 Theories of City Form
 The cosmic and organic model, The Descriptive and the Functional model

The Agricultural Settlement
Invention of Agriculture and The birth of urban settlements

Genesis of key physical elements – defining urban settlement
The Temple, Citadel, Wall, Irrigation, Market, Institutions

Greek and Roman cities

Medieval Cities

Renaissance & Utopia

The Industrial Revolution

The Modern City and the Reactionary Movements

The City Structure
City Form, Grid, organic, nodes, connectors, edges, hierarchy, paths, city center

Traditional Indian Planning
Essence of Vastu Shilpa Shastra

Medieval Indian Cities

The British Raj & Colonial Cities                                   


Introduction to ‘urban’ & the phenomenon of ‘urbanisation’

Introduction to the Idea of a City: Temporal & Abstract

Sophisticated agriculture & Rise of Urbanization in Various Civilizations
Special reference to Catalhoyuk, Ur, Uruk, Lothal, Nippur, Jericho, Xian


Adams - The Natural History of Urbanism
Jane Jacobs - The Economy of Cities
Jane Jacobs - The Nature of Economics
Rykwert- The Idea of a Town
Wright - The Cosmology of the Chinese City
Collins - Linear Planning Throughout the World
Doxiadis - Architectural Space in Ancient Greece
Richard Sennett - The Conscience of the Eye
Chritopher Alexander - A New Theory of Urban Design
Geddes - Cities in Evolution
Ebenezer Howard - Garden Cities of Tomorrow
E Saarinen - The City
Stein - Toward New Towns for America
Gordon - Capitalism and the Roots of Urban Crisis
Meier - A Communications Theory of Urban Growth
Richardson -The New Urban Economics: And Alternatives
John Ruskin - The Stones of Venice
Engels. The Condition of the Working Class in England
Jared Diamond – Civilization: The Growth & the decay of Civilizations
Jared Diamond - Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
Kevin Lynch - A Theory of Good City Form
Mike Davis – Dead Cities
John Ruskin - Complete Works
Williams- The Country and the City
Camillo Sitte - City Planning According to Artistic Principles
Maniera-Elia - Toward an Imperial City
Bridget and Raymond Allchin - The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan
A.L. Basham - The Wonder That Was India
Jain, K C - Ancient Cities and Towns of Rajasthan : A Study of Culture and Civilization

Gole, Susan, (1989) Indian Maps and Plans. From the Earliest Times to the Advent of Eurpoean Surveys

Sachdev and Tillotson - Building Jaipur, The Making of an Indian City

Dutt, B. B. Town Planning in Ancient India
Walter A. Fairservis. The Roots of Indian Tradition
Jonathana Mark Kenoyer. Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization
Juan Mascaro - The Upanishads
Stuart Piggott - Prehistoric India
Romila Thapar. A History of India
Romila Thapar. Recent Perspectives of Early Indian History
Joel Kotkin - The City
Italo Calvino - Invisible Cities
Van de Mieroop, Marc -The Ancient Mesopotamian City
Corbusier - The Radiant City
Tafuri - The Crisis of Utopia: Le Corbusier at Algiers
Tony Garnier: The Cite Industrielle.
Kevin Lynch - A Theory of Good City Form 
Unger - The Politics of Urbanity
Christopher Alexander - Timeless Way of Building
Peter Hall -Cities Of Tomorrow
Rossi - Architecture of the City
Venturi -Learning from Las Vegas
Colin Rowe - Collage City


Mumford, Lewis - Culture of Cities
Mumford, Lewis - City in History: Its origin, its transformation, its prospects
Lynch, Kevin - Good City Form,
Lynch, Kevin - What time is this place
Lynch, Kevin - Image of a City
Kostof, Spiro - The City Assembled
Kostof, Spiro - The City Shaped
Kostof, Spiro - History of Architecture- Settings and Rituals
Gallion Arthur B - The Urban Pattern
Sitte Camillo – City Planning: According to artistic principles
Jacobs, Jane – Death and Life of great American Cities
Alexander Christopher – A Pattern Language
Jacobs, Allen – Great Streets
Cullen, Gordan – Townscapes
Cullen, Gordan – On Streets
Aldo Rossi, L’architettura della città (Padua:Marsilio, 1966); English translation, The Architecture of the City (Cambridge and London: MIT Press, 1982). 
Tillotson, G. H. R., 1989, The Tradition of Indian Architecture: Continuity, Controversy and Change since 1850. Oxford University Press, Delhi.
Ferguson, James, 1967 [1876], The History of Indian and Eastern Architecture. 2
vols., Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi.
Alfieri, Bianca Maria, 2000, Islamic Architecture of the Indian Subcontinent. Mapin,
Morris, Jan, 1983, Stones of Empire: The Buildings of the Raj. Oxford University
Press, Oxford.
Metcalf, Thomas, R., 1984, “Architecture and the Representation of Empire: India,
18601910.”Representations. No. 6, Spring, pp. 3765
Kalia, Ravi, 2000 [1987], Chandigarh: The Making of an Indian City. Oxford
University Press, Oxford, and Manohar Publishers, New Delhi.
King, Anthony, 1994, “India’s Past in India’s Present: Cultural Policy and Cultural
Practice in Architecture and Urban Design, 19601990.”
Volwahsen, Andreas, 2004, Imperial Delhi: The British Capital of the Indian Empire.
Prestel, Munich & Timeless Books, New Delhi.
Alexander.C, Ishikawa, S., Silverstein,M - A Pattern Language, Oxford University Press,NY

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